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Sharing the Love of God through Photography

Lisa and I hope this blog finds you with the wind to your back, the sun shining upon your face, and your heart full of joy. The blog has a bit of length to it, but we ask you to read it through as you will learn much about our ministry and purpose in business.

This season marked our return to serving as disciples for the Lord in women's athletic ministry. Our journey in ministry began nearly fifteen years ago serving indoor volleyball athletes. But we had to step away for four years due to covid in addition to life threating medical issues both Lisa and I survived. Only by the grace of Christ are we still here. God would use these ordeals to turn up our passion to share the gospel. Our lives are a gift from our Father in Heaven to share His love.

What began as a love for the game

of volleyball grew into so much more as Christ grabbed a hold of our hearts to transform us. We are two humble servants with small fixed incomes, but a lot of love to share. This past spring, we began the process of opening a photography business to help in this crazy environment of runaway inflation. Alongside of our business we continue to run “2024 Fellowship,” which is our Christian athletic ministry serving women collegiate athletes. Though we serve in other sports, volleyball remains our primary focus due to the network we have built in this community over decades.

Most would not think photography could be used as a form of ministry, but that is what makes us unique. We drive to competitions throughout our state to cheer athletes on and take pictures of them competing. Digital copies of pictures are given to athletes free of charge as a way of creating opportunity for Christ centered relationships to grow. Through these relationships we hope to have an influence on their lives for Jesus.

At the core we want to share the gospel and love of Christ, as Acts 20:24 describes. We do this through conversations, prayer, providing Christian devotionals, hosting online bible studies, and posting social media content focused on life lessons from God's Word. Sometimes just showing up to cheer them on is what the doctor ordered. If only one word could be used to describe our ministry, it would be "relationships!" It is through fellowship in relationships we strengthen and help each other to be kingdom builders for Christ.

From the beginning of time God formed us for relationship. For in the beginning was the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all in perfect relationship with each other through the mystery of the Trinity. Though we would fall from Him due to sin, He would send his only son, Jesus, to die on a cross so we can be forgiven and once again united with Him in a life-giving relationship for eternity. As we live out our lives, we glorify Him through fellowship with others where we share the gospel by example and by what we say.

I love the chorus from the song, “Build My Life,” by Housefires.

"Holy, there is no one like You

There is none beside You

Open up my eyes in wonder

And show me who You are

And fill me with Your heart

And lead me in Your love to those around me!"

Yes Lord, lead us in your love to those around us! Help us to use our gifts to form relationships with others focused on you!

Some are baffled by the idea we travel far and wide to photograph athletes and form relationships with strangers. Why? They find it odd because there is no apparent benefit to us, according to the world's standards. We have never made money from our ministry or any form of income for it. Funds needed are part of our giving back to God. Though we work alongside other ministries we are not affiliated with any organization our Christian denomination. What drives us is our immense gratitude for what Jesus has done for us!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Though the photographs make it look fun, it is not easy. Providing exceptional photos is expensive and requires immense amounts of work behind the camera, processing photos and delivering them. Some universities we visit are not welcoming to us as photographers, though most are. We deal with rejection just like anyone who is going to dare to live for Jesus and share His Word. Being effective requires us to put our hearts out where they can be trampled on, and this has happened on occasion. When it does, it hurts immensely. We strive to treat those we serve as our family (Ohana). In doing this we share in their life's experiences including difficult periods they endure like grieving from the loss of a loved one. So, it is not all sunny days and roses, but it is indeed worth it!

It is grief which would serve as the driving force behind our ministry going statewide. In December 2012 God took home a phenomenal servant and athlete who we loved. Most of all we had become close to her parents. At the time we were exclusively serving the collegiate team she played for so had developed deep relationships with athletes and the coaches. This year we returned to photograph the memorial tournament put on each year in honor of her. We were blessed to run into her mom and dad. As soon as we saw each other, smiles were glowing on our faces as we embraced with big Cajun hugs. It was obvious after all these years they are still grieving. As we spoke, they told us there was no one left in the program that knew them or their daughter. In hearing this we knew the Holy Spirit had called us to this tournament to give a small measure of comfort to these amazing servants of God.

Serving can be a roller coaster ride, but we keep coming back. Each season God sends us to someone who reminds us why we are doing this. We have seen lives radically changed by Jesus. There is nothing like witnessing someone give their hearts to Christ! Even more intense is seeing the immense transformation athletes have undergone after being saved. Some of these athletes are now using their lives to serve Christ as ministers. Adding to this is the joy of meeting new people each season from different walks of life. This in itself adds a dimension of richness to living that everyone needs. As I said earlier, we weren't meant to do life alone.

Though most relationships we form remain casual, now and then we become lifelong friends with athletes or their families. Some of these friends have given more to us than we have given in return. I can recall two special athletes who helped us through the loss of both of my parents and Lisa's mom. They will always have a special place in our hearts. So, God ministers to us through those we serve. Indeed, we are blessed as our Ohana keeps growing by the grace of God!

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." Acts 20:24.

This scripture is our mantra and where the name 2024 Fellowship came from.

This summer we were heard a series of sermons given by one of favorite pastors on what it takes to be "Authentic Influencers." His sermons were derived from book he recently published with this very name. Much of the book is how we should model our lives after Barnabas. Barnabas was someone who had worldly respect, wealth, and other standing and gave it all up for Jesus. He would spend the rest of his life traveling as a missionary, leading others to Christ at great personal risk, while encouraging and helping apostles like Paul! He was a man climbing down the ladder to be of service instead of being like so many who do whatever it takes to climb the ladder of success. For the most part his name is only mentioned a few times in the gospels, so he lived a life of anonymity, yet would become one of the greatest "influencers" for Christ. This fall we will hosting an online bible study on being an influencer for good! Contact us if you interested in joining.

We find inspiration in studying the life of Barnabas. It encouragers us in our "walk about." We may never be mentioned in the books of history, receive an award or be written about for what we do to support women's collegiate sports. At best we may only be known by those we serve. When our life on this earth is over, our prayer is those who knew us see God's grace through how we lived. May Jesus be glorified in all we do.

"He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30

Like most Americans, we are struggling with inflation. Recently, we received notice our homeowner's insurance went up 130% from last year in addition to +35% increases in virtually every corner of our lives. Inflation is really biting at us hard in addition to hampering our ministry efforts. This is forcing us to limit how often we can get out to support athletes compared to our most active year in 2019. It is our prayer our photography business blossom providing funds to not only continue in ministry, but to grow our abilities to reach more people for Christ. We stepped out in faith this year, despite financial pressures, to invest in new professional gear we needed, and the cost to run a website to support our business as well as our ministry. Our ministry and business are connected for in both we strive to share the love of God through photography and relationships. Sharing what we have said in this blog will definitely turn some potential clients away, but again we called to give a testimony to what Jesus has done for us in all we do no matter what may come.

We need help, so how can you help us? First, pray for our success and God watch over us in our work to minister to others. Next, spread the word about our ministry and business. Visit our blog, social media posts and photo albums. Send us encouragement through writing a comment, liking a post or just writing us personally. Finally, help us financially by using us for your portraits, sports and event photography needs, including weddings. Purchase artistic prints we create of wildlife and nature. We hope to inspire others towards seeing God's amazing love through photos they see daily hanging in their homes and place of work. If you are an athlete or family of an athlete...please buy prints from us. We offer exceptional quality at affordable prices.

If you sign up for a senior portrait session or schedule a wedding or event with us in 2023, you will receive a 50% discount as we get rolling. Thank you for considering supporting our business venture and most importantly our ministry.

With Gratitude,

John and Lisa Sorrel

Wonders of Light, LLC

"2024 Fellowship" Ministry



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