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Never Imagined

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." -- Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)

©2021 John Sorrel – All Rights Reserved — photo & writing — exception scripture.

Thirty five years ago my career as a physic instructor began in a private school. My yearly salary put us well below the poverty line with a new baby and my wife in college. My father-in-law told me I should learn how to be a wedding photographer to supplement my income. He use to take wedding photos when he started out with his family. So my journey into photography began with an old 35mm Minolta film camera passed down to me by him.

Over the next decade I would complete numerous college courses in studio photography and film development. We didn’t have cell phones, digital cameras or even the internet way back then. As I grew in skill I ventured into my first business as a wedding and school event photographer. As the years went by my wife started her career, our daughter got older and the demands of my teaching career increased . After ten years of being a successful pro-photographer I decided to stop taking pictures as a source of income, but didn’t put down the camera.

Photography was expensive, so I put one roll of film aside each month to take photos of landscapes, nature, wildlife and whatever inspired me. My photography adventures into nature helped smooth the wrinkles of life out.

After looking back through the years I have come too appreciate how God works in mysterious ways writing his beautiful story through our lives!

Many years latter a few of my physics students came to me to ask if I would take athletic photos for them as it was no secret photography was a passion of mine. By this time the digital camera came along and new learning opportunities. So I agreed and went take photos of their volleyball match. Little did I know what God had in store for me.

Love poured out from the players, coaches and parents. Their love ministered to my soul and I liked the challenge of action photography so I became the team photographer. Never in my imagination did I see myself as a women’s sports photographer, but like I said already, God works in mysterious ways writing his beautiful story through our lives!

Eventually I would continue my growth as a sports photographer by being invited to shoot pictures for a local collegiate team. In time my wife and I would form what could best be described as a “backers club” for the team. Pictures I took helped us form one of the first social media pages for an college athletic. The page connected coaches, players, families and fans through pictures, motivating post, and God’s Word. Out of love, I gave the photos to athletes and their families. For many years the team was like our extended Ohana.

Tragedy struck when we lost a wonderful player, friend and servant of God. This player and her family were very close to us! Losing her crushed my heart. In my mourning I put the camera down and stepped away for some time. Even in this time of grief, God was working in mysterious ways writing his beautiful story through my life!

During this time of mourning and prayer, my wife and I became close to an All American Volleyball Player from a different team. One evening at dinner she poured out her heart to us. She told us how she had been longing for years to use her platform in Volleyball to serve Jesus. During my grieving the Holy Spirit had been calling me to a similar vision. With inspiration from the Holy Spirit, we started a women’s collegiate ministry in the sport of volleyball.

Never in my imagination did I see myself as a minister, but like I said, “God works in mysterious ways writing his beautiful story through our lives!”

My camera became a tool to open up relationship opportunities to share the gospel. It’s been over a decade sense we began 2024 Fellowship. During this time the Holy Spirit has connected us to countless players, coaches, families and people from many walks of life as we continue to share the gospel in word and action.

A few years ago I retired from education after 32 years of service. My family and I have endured hardships and tragedies along the way, including the loss of friends, relatives and parents. But through it all, the grace of Christ has sustained us, inspired us and transformed our broken lives as God writes His story through us.

Losing my parents ignited in me a zeal to share the gospel like never before. We are called to live out the gospel, but we must also have the courage to share the message of salvation with others! Dad had a terminal illness. In the last years of his life we shared a love I had always hoped for, so losing Him was especially hard for I wanted more.

Sharing the gospel with my Dad was not easy, so I asked the Holy Spirit for courage and opportunity. One evening in the hospital, opportunity presented itself so I invited my Dad to pray with me and it was then that he accepted Jesus as his savior. There are no words to describe the comfort I have knowing I will see my parents again in Heaven!

I’m well past the fifty yard line in my life now. As I look back through the years, I can see how God has mysteriously worked in my life preparing me for the mission I’m now on.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” -- Romans 8:28 (ESV)

Through it all, Jesus has weaved the broken pieces of my life into a story of hope and love. So I choose to use the gifts He has given me with the camera and writing to inspire others to experience, in some small way, His wonder and love!

If I could pick only scripture to define my purpose it would be Acts 20:24. “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”


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