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Light in the Darkness

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." -- Matthew 5:14-16

©2021 John Sorrel – All Rights Reserved — photo & writing — exception scripture.

This photo is special, though this may not be obvious to the casual observer. This is the opening to Quintana Canal looking westward towards Cypremort Point. On this day the Speckle Trout were running on a calm evening inviting fishermen to cast for keepers while the sun set. A lonely channel marker appears at the mouth of the canal leading fishermen to the boat landing at days end. As the sun sinks below the horizon, a light starts blinking on top of the marker so it can be seen in the vast darkness surrounding it. Many a fisherman have seen this marker light on the way out for grand adventures and on the way home after a long hard days on the water.

My dad's favorite pastime was salt water fishing. Some of my best memories of him were the times he took us fishing in the bay for Specks. Daddy was a Navy Veteran so all fishing adventures began well before normal people would even think about waking up. Morning fishing trips meant we had to be on the water motoring out of Quintana Canal well before sunrise. On occasion were the late evening fishing trips returning at sunset.

Though Daddy is heaven with Jesus today, even now I can see the radiant joy on his face as he steered his boat past this marker countless times with a glass full of hope at what await and warmth in his heart as he returned home.

Not long after this photo was taken, the marker light came on as colors in the sky continued to blossom. In this moment the Holy Spirit inspired what you are reading now. Jesus said in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." I'm so thankful for those who shared the "light" of the gospel with me when I was lost in my life. Today, He is indeed my hope and my purpose for living. Psalm 18:28 sums it up perfectly. "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Jesus is that marker light leading those who believe through the storms and chaos of life. For through Him there is joy even in suffering and purpose no matter our circumstance. For us who believe, we must let our light shine for the world, so they know the source of our hope and the purpose for our life as Matthew 5:14-16 reminds us.

If your lost looking for hope in the dark, Jesus will be the light of your life if you believe in Him today. And for those who do believe, may the Holy Spirit move within you powerfully so a lost world might find their way home by the light of Jesus radiating within you!

1 Comment

Dec 30, 2021

Such good memories of fishing days with Daddy. Such a treasure we have. Thanks for capturing our treasure in this beautiful photo!

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