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Be Still

“Be Still and Know I Am God!” Psalm 46:10

©2021 John Sorrel – All Rights Reserved — photo & writing — exception scripture.

More than ever, we are living in a time chaos! This past two years have been difficult for us, like most families. Fear is being pedaled more than ever. So naturally, there are times where worry creeps in stealing the joy God has meant us to walk in. Going out in nature, with camera in hand, quiets my mind as I behold His wonders of creation. It reminds me God is bigger than any problem we face and He loves us each as his precious children.

The goal of my photo adventure today was to capture photos and video of Herons feeding in the evening. Taking a sunset photo wasn’t on the list, but what I love about wildlife and nature photography are the unexpected opportunities that present themselves by surprise.

As we were driving around this pond a vision of what this scene might look like came to me. So I set up the camera and proceeded to capture sunset photos. They were ok…but the colors I wanted were not intense enough, so I packed up.

As I walked around to get in the van I was struck with awe when the colors in in the sky blossomed with great intensity. So quickly, I grabbed the camera and tripod to create this photo. It was if I could see God painting a master piece on the sky.

"Be still and rest in me,” echoed through my mind as the beauty before me smoothed the wrinkles in my soul. Thankfulness for deep faith grabbed hold as for has God shown me He is trustworthy and His Word is true. Faith, belief, and trust go hand in hand. They are the corner stone of finding true rest in God in this crazy world.

This was once explained to me with an illustration using a chair. When you look at a chair you believe it will support your weight for it was made soundly in design and strength of material, but is this true faith? Some say truth faith requires the action of sitting in the chair knowing it will support you. When we really trust Jesus, we can rest in knowing his sacrifice at Calvary paid the debt of our sin and his ressurection secured eternal life for us after death. Genuine faith, produces stillness…rest…knowing even if the chair is pulled from under us God will catch us. This deep faith forms when we trust in Him to support us and not ourselves or those around us.

It is through deep faith in Christ we find stillness and rest.

Through the brokenness of our life His radiance shines through creating a master piece for others to behold so they might know the source of our hope and transformation.

Be still and rest, knowing you are in the hands of almighty God!


Dec 30, 2021

So beautiful, thankful for the glory of the Lord!


Dec 30, 2021

That’s a great analogy, the chair. Love this.

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