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Acron Brunch

Today was my first walk about since my spinal surgery six months ago. Along my journey I carried my Z9 + 500 mm Lens and tripod. I walked about 2 miles on my journey. At the start of my walk was this amazing fox tail squirrel.

Most squirrels in the wild would have bolted as soon as they heard the ruffling of the leaves from my feet plopping along the trail, but not this fellow.

As soon as I saw him, I stopped in my tracks and slowly brought my camera from around my lower back into my hands. The Z9 + 500 mm lens is a monster, yet he happily continued on with his “Acorn Brunch.” Simply amazing!

No trip into nature is ever wasted if you walk with faith that God will reveal His beauty to you!

What amazed me from the technical side was how sharp this image is, though I handheld the camera in the evening on an overcast day. Adding to the low light was the buffeting wind as it howled in with a winter storm approaching. What made this possible was the image stabilization the Z9 + the 500 mm lens offers. Most impressive is the precise locked on 3D focusing of the Z9. No matter how I moved the camera, it keep focus on the Squirrel's eye. Nikon got this right on this camera body.

Along my walk about I saw a few other things, including this snapping turtle. I almost missed him. He was hidden in the swamp vegetation resting on a log, but he didn't miss me. He was locked on to my presence. In this photo I captured him looking towards me, but soon after he turned his head to give a stoic portrait. He stayed a while so I could get several shots before slipping back into the lake.

As I grew tired from walking and carrying such a heavy rig, I came upon a young alligator taking a nap on a log even though the waves battered his floating home. It is fascinating how animals have keen awareness about their surroundings. Though he was some distance away, he peaked at me to let me know he saw me. He showed no concern as he drifted back into a slumber. Such an amazing walk about today.

I'm so thankful to Christ for my healing. A year and a half ago I was told I may not live due to a rare fungal infection in my spine. As my disease worsen, my pain became unbearable. I became bed ridden for most of a year. The suffering beat on me day in and day out, sucking my joy for living away. Yet the Lord sustained me. For He is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and Light in the Darkness!

Many prayers were lifted for me. About five months after my initial diagnosis, I was told the infection was resolving itself without treatment, but the damage to my spine was done. Six months ago, I had surgery to clean the end plates of affected vertebrae and then to fuse them. This is why I've been away from blogging. It even got to the point where I was not able to take photographs.

Yet today, I hiked two miles with camera in hand. I'm overflowing with joy. I'm a living testimony to the grace of Jesus. I’m grateful to be excited about living again! It is such a blessing to be able to create with my camera and to own such a fabulous rig though I come from humble means.

May my post encourage you and most of all, I hope to see you on the trail!



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