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John On Paddle Patrol_edited.jpg


As I approach sixty years old, I have come to realize God has been forming me into a storyteller.  Story telling is not reserved for telling tales, but is at its most powerful when imagery, and writing converge into a powerful symphony stirring one deeply within to a place of hope and joy.  Let me help tell your story with camera and pen.


Wonders of Light, LLC,  was formed by John Sorrel in 2023.  John is a native Cajun who has worn many hats in his rich life.  He first a servant of Jesus, husband, father and grandfather.  In 2020 he retired after a long prosperous career as a physics instructor specializing engineering project based learning.   What made him successful as an educator is also what drives him forward in his pursuit as a storyteller and that is his creative spirt.  When you get to know John it is obvious God has indeed gifted him with so many creative talents including music, photography, and writing.   


John's journey as a photographer began over thirty-five years ago when cell phones, modern internet and digital cameras were things of science fiction.  He would spend his first decade becoming a professional photographer starting out with a 35 mm XGM film camera by Minolta.  Through training he would not only become an exceptional photographer, but also skilled at printing black and white prints.  Along the way he opened a part time photography business specializing in weddings and events. One thing is for sure in life, change.


As the seasons changed, John and his family would change as kids grew older.  Family has always been a corner stone for John.  His business and career kept him away from home to much, so he migrated into using his camera as a hobby while helping friends along the way.


In time God would lead John and his wife, Lisa, to form a Christian ministry in Louisiana. Initially the ministry was created to support collegiate volleyball athletes, but in time it would blossom to serve many people from different walks of life.  The camera became a tool for forming relationships where John and Lisa could share gospel. Their ministry is known as 2024 Fellowship. Their mission is to share the gospel both in word and action while creating lasting relationships that are Christ centered.


John being a former endurance athlete, is self motivated in his pursuit of excellence.  Because of this, he is now highly respected among sports photographers for his exceptional work in collegiate volleyball.  In 2023 five D1 colleges featured photos from John's work on their websites.


Over nearly four decades, John has become a multifaceted photographer, with his primary passion found when he is out in wilderness taking photos to share with others how God creates amazing wonders from dust! 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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